The New Deal For Artists

With the failure of President Hoover’s policies at the end of 1929, marked by the stock market crash on October 24, 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression, the decade that began with the dream of endless progress and prosperity came to an end with millions unemployed. American industrial workers who had lost their jobs lined up in the streets for a bowl of soup and hunk of bread. Depression, new technology and foreclosure by the banks drove more than half the American farmers to bankruptcy. By 1932 something had to change and the newly elected President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, created the New Deal to put America back to work. The Works Project Administration (WPA) and Farm Security Administration (FSA) were formed to carry out this plan.
Narrated by the iconic Orson Welles, THE NEW DEAL FOR ARTISTS, also features a who’s who of 20th Century luminaries including Studs Terkel, John Houseman, Arthur Rothstein, Howard Da Silva, James Brooks, Nelson Algren and more.
- Orson Welles
- Studs Terkel
- John Houseman
- Arthur Rothstein
DVD Features
Discs: 1
- "A dazzling and moving portrait of a period that deserves its place in the sun."
- "[A] warm look back at W.P.A. and the arts…This is not a dispassionate treatise. Introduced by Studs Terkel and narrated by Orson Welles, it is a celebration of an experiment that ended only, as Mr. Terkel sees it, ”when the primitives, the Neanderthals, took over."
- "Studs Terkel himself, in classic finger-wagging mode, opens this Orson Welles-narrated film exhorting the viewer to absorb the information presented. You will be blown away by the sights, sounds, and information. Education was never this fun."