Beyond Borders: Stories of Interfaith Friendship

Directed by Ela Thier, Diane Crespo, Thierry Binisti
Film Movement
288 Minutes
USA, France
English, French, Hebrew, Arabic, Vietnamese
Not Rated

The friendship between two people can lead to a better understanding of their different faiths. All three award-winning features in the box set BEYOND BORDERS reveal how discrimination and fear of the other can be resolved through individual connections. Included in the set are:

A Bottle in the Gaza Sea (2013), Thierry Binisti's drama about the relationship forged against all odds by an Israeli girl in Jerusalem and a Palestinian boy in Gaza;

Arranged (2007), Diane Crespo and Stefan C. Schaefer's romantic comedy about an Orthodox Jewish woman and a Muslim woman who meet as first-year teachers at a Brooklyn public school; and

Foreign Letters (2012), a comedy-drama from writer-director Ela Their, set in the 1980s and centering on an Israeli girl newly relocated to the U.S. and a Vietnamese refugee who becomes her friend in this strange new land.


  • Zoe Lister-Jones
  • Hiam Abbass
DVD Features

Includes 3 short films: A Summer Rain, directed by Ela Thier; The Raft, directed by Jan Thuring; An Oasis on the Hill, directed by Igal Kohen.
Includes Director's statements for each film.

Sound: Stereo 2.0

Discs: 3

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